Sex Cams - Klarissa

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Klarissa Offline
. Details . Pictures
Age: 33
Gender: Woman
About me: I consider that I am a person with qualities, but I admit that I also have flaws.I think we could have a wonderful journey in discovering each other. More about me can be discovered not just told by me.
My Rating:
Languages: English, Romanian
Residence area: All Israel
More info: I am super positiv and my positivity tends to be contagious. I am happy because i choose to be. I try hide my sadnesss the much i can . Life is to short to be sad. I amuse myself. I might amuse you too.
What turns me on: Having a good sense of humor
Having a nice smile
Having confidence
Being generous
Actively listening
What turns me off: Being selfish
Being pushover
Being insecure or oversensitive
Being too posesive
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